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PSAs and Events

PSA 8-19-14: The noisebridge wiki and github readme files now have parity to each other.

PSA 8-16-14: The new curriculum for the Noisebridge PyClass is a crash course in the Python standard library, also touching on modules that are popular but not quite part of the standard modules. Scroll down to see the course list.

Scheduled Weekly Meeting Times

  • Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 PM PST - 'Turing' Classroom
  • Wednesday 7:00 - 9:00 PM PST - 'Church' Classroom

Mailing List

Sign up for this to hear updates and conversations regarding the course!

Class Description, Goals, and Ideal Student

The pace of the courses will be fast, and the materials will be available online 24/7. We plan to frequently repeat modules with new twists as we iterate over course materials.

A major PyClass is to break down the courses into independent units. In other words, you won't fall behind if you miss a week. Sounds good, right?

To best experience the course, spend a short time reviewing the course materials before you come in. If you wish to know this week's courses, please join the mailing list and send an email out to

The ideal student for this course can grasp the following code (feel free to use web resources to look up anything you don't understand):

<source lang="python">

word_frequency_dict = {} word = "noisebridge"

for letter in word:

   times = word_frequency_dict.get(letter, 0)
   times += 1
   word_frequency_dict[letter] = times


Course List

The order of the following courses has not yet been determined.

Please ask on the mailing list if you want to know what courses are coming this week!

  1. JSON format, Python Types, and the JSON Module
  2. Control Flow and Exceptions
  3. itertools, and Functional Programming
  4. Built-in Types and String Services
  5. Coding a module: rot13)
  6. Matplotlib Workshop (using Socrata API
  7. Flask - Installfest & Basics
  8. Working with numbers in Python)
  9. Programming Mastermind (the game
  10. Unit Testing and Python's unittest Module
  11. OOP in Python
  12. Keywords & Control Flow
  13. Project: Calculate Angles of a Polygon
  14. Project: Unit testing our projects
  15. Functions
  16. Git - incomplete
  17. Functional Programming in Python
  18. Some Idioms for Python Builtins

OS / Environment / Versions

This section is under development.

For the sake of our sanity we use Python 2.7.1+ for this course.

Emergency Python Command Line:

Installing Python with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!

We accept refugees using all operating systems. You will be politely prodded in the direction of solutions that are closer to posix standards:

Emergency Python Command Line:

Some routes:

  1. Install a linux virtual machine on another computer using virtualbox.
  2. Use the command line in your apple machine.
  3. Explore POSIX for windows:

Another critical tool is git:

Legacy Materials 2011-2014 (Liz & Kellan's Class)

The following material is old material from Kellan and Liz's long-running PyClass:

Come learn Python!!
See our awesome website for both PyClasses at Noisebridge Learning Python

After 9pm Tuesdays, we'll have open hacking time and time for questions for those that are kicking so much ass they just can't go home yet, or even for those that may have gone to Mondays' Front-end Web Development class and want to come back for more. If you have problems from work or home, feel free to bring them after 9 and everyone can help each other.

Semi-Official Intro to Python Class Texts

Other Intro to Python Texts

PyClass Githubs

[Old] Class Slides

Other Helpful PyClass links