Machine Learning/Kaggle Social Network Contest/Features: Difference between revisions

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For an edge from node s to node t I will calculate:
For an edge from node s to node t I will calculate:
# is there a directed edge from t to s?
# the in-degree of s
# the in-degree of s
# the out-degree of s
# the out-degree of s

Latest revision as of 16:50, 25 November 2010


  • Precisely define the listed features

Possible Features[edit]

  • Node Features
    • nodeid
    • outdegree
    • indegree
    • local clustering coefficient
    • reciprocation of inbound probability (num of edges returned / num of inbound edges)
    • reciprocation of outbound probability (num of edges returned / num of outbound edges)
  • Edge Features
    • nodetofollowid
    • shortest distance nodeid to nodetofollowid
    • density? (median path length)
    • does reverse edge exist? (aka is nodetofollowid following nodeid?)
    • number of common friends
    • indegrees & outdegrees of nodetofollowid
  • Clustering

The response variable is the probability that the nodeid to nodetofollowid edge will be created in the future

Joe's attempt[edit]

I'm planning on collecting features based on an edge. Then sample the features over existing and randomly created edges and fit a logistic regression model to it.

For an edge from node s to node t I will calculate:

  1. is there a directed edge from t to s?
  2. the in-degree of s
  3. the out-degree of s
  4. the in-degree of t
  5. the out-degree of t
  6. RLD-1(s)
  7. RLD1(s)
  8. RLD0(s)
  9. RLD-1(t)
  10. RLD1(t)
  11. RLD0(t)
  12. AA01(s,t)
  13. AA01.5(s,t)
  14. AA02(s,t)
  15. AA-11(s,t)
  16. AA-11.5(s,t)
  17. AA-12(s,t)
  18. AA11(s,t)
  19. AA11.5(s,t)
  20. AA12(s,t)


  • RLDx(n) is 1 / log(0.1 + the x-degree of node n), where -1 = in, 1 = out and 0 = any. (RLD = reciprocal log of degree )
    • note that I add 0.1 so that nodes with degree 1 have a score of 1/log(1.1) = 10.49 rather than1/log(1) which is a divide by zero
    • logs are taken to base e

I define Nxh(n) to be the nodes reachable from n in h hops along either any edge (x = 0), edges from t towards s (x = -1) or edges from s towards t (x = 1).

I define Cxh(s,t) as the set of common neighbours of s and t a distance of h hops from s and t, excluding nodes in a closer common neighbourhood ie

  • Cxh(s,t) = (Nxh(s) ∩ N-xh(t)) \ ∪h' < h (Nxh'(s) ∩ N-xh'(t))
    • h = 1.5 corresponds to nodes which are one hop from either s or t and two hops from either t or s
  • The sets Cxh(s,t) are distinct for different h.
  • It is directional, ie sometimes Cxh(s,t)≠Cxh(t,s)
  • AA is the Adamic-Adar score calculated over different common neighbourhoods.
    • the subscript 0, -1, 1 referes to neighbours reachable be following any, in or out node respectively
    • the superscript 1, 1.5 and 2 refer to the the number of hops from a focal node the neighbour is.
  • AAxh(s,t) = sumn ∈ Cxh(s,t) RLD0(n)