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What are they?

An event is a function call that signifies something happened.

Custom calls notify subscribers. The function is either defined by the "class" (default) or shadowed on the instance, by the client of the API.

Objects Talking

  • Class - defines methods and default handlers
  • Instance - shadows class
  • Other event handlers call method - click, mouse drag, ajax update, etc.


Centralized dispatch. Method called from many places and when it is done, shared notifications fire.

<source lang="javascript">

Factory(function() {

 function _getSortFunction(sortType) {
   if(sortType == "number") {
    return function() { };

 function _isSortedBy(tableSort, sortType) {


 var configData = {};

 function TableSort(id, config) { = id;
   configData[id] = Object.create(config);

 TableSort.prototype.sortBy = function(sortType) {
   var config = configData[];

   if(config.currentSort != sortType) {

 return TableSort;

}); </source>