Editing Front-end Web Development/Notes/Archive

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=== Series 9 ===
==== Class for 2016-06-27: back-end web development ====
This class is all about the seedy underbelly of web development: the backend! It is tailored toward front-end developers wanting to get a taste of how things come together on the server. We'll talk about PHP, then Express.js, then Rails.
During the recap period, we will set up your computers. But it's best to do this before arriving if possible. Here are the steps used for class preparation:
===== THE EASIEST WAY =====
Come to the class in person and get the USB stick from Jeffrey. Then follow the below "easy" steps without having to download anything.
===== THE EASY WAY =====
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine.
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (2.89GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "'''front-end'''". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
===== THE HARDER WAY =====
If you don't want to use a virtual machine, or would like to set your computer up for further work on your own.
====== Linux ======
* To set up Node.js installation, run:
** <code>curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -</code>
* Install required packages: <code>sudo apt-get install -y nodejs lamp-server^ ruby ruby-dev zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev</code>
** (Press Enter at any prompts.)
* Install Express: <code>sudo npm install -g express-generator</code>
* Install Rails: <code>sudo gem install rails</code>
====== OS X ======
* Upgrade to at least OS X 10.9, preferably the latest (currently 10.11 El Capitan).
* Install the Xcode developer tools:
** <code>xcode-select --install</code>
* For Node.JS:
** Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/
** Install Express: <code>npm install -g express-generator</code>
* To install Rails, run:
** <code>sudo gem install rails</code>
* For PHP, install MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
====== Windows ======
(I recommend sticking with the aforementioned virtual machine setup, or installing a Linux partition, as it is somewhat difficult to set things up on Windows.)
In all cases where there is a choice, choose 64-bit (x64).
* Install Git for Windows: http://www.git-scm.com/ (all default settings)
* For Node.JS:
** Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/ (all default settings)
** Install Express by opening Git Bash and running:
*** <code>npm install -g express-generator</code>
* For Rails:
** Install the latest Ruby from http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
*** When installing, choose to "add Ruby executables to your PATH".
** Install the Ruby Development Kit by following these instructions: https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit
** Install Rails by opening Git Bash and running:
*** <code>gem install rails</code>
* For PHP:
** Install the Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679
** Install WampServer: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
===== THE HARDEST WAY =====
Install Node.JS, NPM, Express, Apache, PHP, Ruby, and Rails individually. Good luck!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akGNwcU-Koo Lecture video]
==== Class for 2016-06-06: Working from professional mockups, cont'd ====
We will continue working off of our mockup and learn a bit about CSS3 and background images in the process.
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noiseco Mockups and assets can be found here].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9jWX_GQF6E Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class19 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-05-23: Working from professional mockups ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the box model, positioning, media queries and CSS3, and work off of a mockup to make a site that could pass as a professional design.
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noiseco Mockups and assets can be found here].
This class will require the use of [https://harpjs.com/ Harp], as we'd like to make this as realistic of a project as possible. As a bonus, we'll learn how to use preprocessors like [http://sass-lang.com/ Sass] to help us with our code.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pyaTa7pMhY Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class18 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-05-16: Modern CSS ====
We'll talk about a number of topics concerning modern CSS development: CSS3, browser support, and responsive design (for mobile devices).
We'll start on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class17/blog.zip this page] and make it mobile.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA73S1iaCVc Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class17 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-05-08: CSS floats & flexbox ====
Floating and flexbox are two methods behind creating websites with multiple columns, navigation menus, and basically any block element that's stacked horizontally. We'll learn about them by taking a look at some examples, discuss the pros and cons of each, then take a [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class4/mockup.png mockup] and create a site from it.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45crnboPpsg Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class16 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-04-25: CSS positioning ====
We're going to let JavaScript take a backseat for the rest of the series, and we'll begin to focus on CSS concepts. This time, we'll focus on positioning of elements: using absolute, relative, or fixed positioning to put the elements anywhere we want on the whole page. We'll use [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/mockup.png this mockup] along with [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/assets.zip these assets] to put together a page that demonstrates positioning.
If have been daunted by the complexity of JavaScript programming, this should be a much simpler, straightforward class.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqT6IBMPglo Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class15 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-04-18: React and Redux ====
We'll take a look at [https://lunch.labzero.com Lunch], an app I'm working on using [https://facebook.github.io/react/ React] and [http://redux.js.org/ Redux]. We'll see how it compares to our jQuery and Angular apps, and how React's unidirectional flow, along with Redux's state management, allows us to build an efficient, powerful application.
Because of the complexity of this subject, we'll only be skimming the surface with this pre-written app. React generally requires a good knowledge of the intricacies of JavaScript, so consider this a light introduction.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iydma-sfKwA Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/labzero/lunch Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-04-11: directives, routing and AJAX with AngularJS ====
We'll continue learning the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS] by learning how to encapsulate behavior into reusable elements, load data from the back-end, and create a site that acts as if it has multiple pages while remaining a single-page app.
We'll build off the [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class12/noisetwitter work from last week.]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKdKHcJ4eRw Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class13 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-04-04: intro to AngularJS ====
We'll learn about the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS] (version 1), a popular client-side MVC application framework. Frameworks such as these make it easier to manage data-rich views by keeping everything in sync with each other, and with data in the back-end. To understand how libraries like AngularJS differ from [http://jquery.com jQuery], we'll be taking our [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class10/noisetwitter NoiseTwitter] app and converting it from one that uses jQuery into one that uses AngularJS instead.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h2Oz4DiviU Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class12 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-03-28: Forms ====
We'll create a Bootstrap-based landing page with a sign-up form. We'll learn about built-in HTML5 validation, but also use the [http://jqueryvalidation.org/ jQuery Validation plugin] to help us where browser support is necessary.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwMGFVeXI0A Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class11 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-03-21: Ajax ====
We'll talk about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a technology that allows us to talk to a server without leaving the page. jQuery makes this easy. We'll add Ajax functionality to [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class7 the Twitter app]. We'll use this [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/blob/master/series8/class10/noisetwitter/source/tweet.php PHP file] to test it out.
If you don't already have web hosting, please sign up for some at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] for free (or very cheap). Also, install the [https://filezilla-project.org/ FileZilla Client].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajhVV5wTJ1I Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class10 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-03-14: HTTP, SFTP, and Git-based web hosting ====
We'll talk about file transfer: HTTP, which is the method of getting and sending information in the web browser; SFTP, which is a method of securely uploading files to a web host; and how to use Git to host a site.
We'll set up free web hosting accounts at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] (which you should sign up for now), and upload to them using [http://filezilla-project.org the FileZilla client] (which you should install now).
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8oIC5Jyx1k Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class9 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-03-07: starting a new project ====
A text editor and web browser are all that's required to start a project - but how about getting a head start? We'll talk about [https://harpjs.com/ Harp] and [http://getbootstrap.com/ Bootstrap], two tools that will greatly help us with the setup of a new site.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm4sSCT-9GE Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class8 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-02-29: jQuery, cont'd ====
We'll continue learning about jQuery by focusing on [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class6/noisetwitter the example we worked on last class]. We'll add functionality to it that will make it seem more like the real thing.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iaBQOgY4qo Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class7/noisetwitter Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-02-22: jQuery ====
We'll introduce jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes web programming a whole lot easier. jQuery is the most popular of many libraries that allow us to interact with the document easily, while also providing us with a few tools that are missing from the base language.
To learn what jQuery can do, we'll add some scripting to [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class6/start this sample web app].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY2oRWIYhK0 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class6/noisetwitter Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-02-08: JavaScript, cont'd ====
We'll continue discussing JavaScript basics: arrays, objects, creating functions, and scopes.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFnDmrLXqf0 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class5 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-02-01: JavaScript ====
We'll talk about JavaScript: making web pages interactive through client-side code. We'll use the console, which is part of the browser's developer tools, to demonstrate the basics of the language. This and next week's class can be treated as a general introduction to programming.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAxEb3JViWk Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class4 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-01-25: version control (Git) and the command line ====
This class is a general overview on version control and the command line. Most developers collaborate with their peers by using version control systems, which allows them to keep track of their work in a reliable fashion and push it to the web.
Again, this class isn't about web development per se - it's just an important introduction to using the command line to work with Git, one of the most popular version control systems. Everyone will create their own fork of a repository and check in their work.
During the half-hour before the class, we'll help people set up Git on their computers. On OS X, type <code>git</code> in a Terminal to get started. On Windows you should install [http://msysgit.github.io/ Git for Windows]. Also, please sign up for a [https://github.com GitHub] account.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt4IW_TVTUc Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/shakespeare9 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-01-11: CSS selectors and the box model ====
CSS selectors are probably the most complex part of the CSS language, so we'll look at them further in-depth. We'll also talk about the box model, the display concept that makes words and containers on the web look like they do.
'''No video for this class.''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcKvWkhVezA Here's last series's video.] (audio doesn't work until 33:10)<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class2 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2016-01-04: the basics ====
<span style="color:green">'''THIS is the class to attend if you are a complete beginner!'''</span> We are starting the curriculum of this class from square one. We'll cover the very basics:
* Explaining "front-end" vs. "back-end"
* Explaining web apps vs. web sites
* Discussing tools of the trade
* Describing the separation between structure, presentation, and behavior
* Writing a basic HTML page
* Styling the page with basic CSS
* Adding a small amount of JS
* Explaining the role of front-end development as a job and career
No recap session for this class. Please show up before 8pm, as physical space is limited. Bring a laptop!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-Uf_mlpqns Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series9/class1 Lecture materials]
=== Series 8 ===
==== Class for 2015-12-14: back-end web development ====
This class is all about the seedy underbelly of web development: the backend!
I know we already have a [http://www.railsschool.org/ Rails class here at Noisebridge], but this one is tailored toward front-end developers wanting to get a taste of how things come together. We'll talk about PHP, then Express.js, then Rails.
During the recap period, we will set up your computers. But it's best to do this before arriving if possible. Here are the steps used for class preparation:
===== THE EASIEST WAY =====
Come to the class in person and get the USB stick from Jeffrey. Then follow the below "easy" steps without having to download anything.
===== THE EASY WAY =====
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine.
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series8/class20/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (2.36GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "'''front-end'''". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
===== THE HARDER WAY =====
If you don't want to use a virtual machine, or would like to set your computer up for further work on your own.
====== Linux ======
* Install required packages: <code>sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm lamp-server^ ruby ruby-dev zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev</code>
** (Press Enter at any prompts.)
* Install Express: <code>sudo npm install -g express-generator</code>
* Install Rails: <code>sudo gem install rails</code>
====== OS X ======
* Upgrade to at least OS X 10.9, preferably the latest (currently 10.11 El Capitan).
* Install the Xcode developer tools:
** <code>xcode-select --install</code>
* For Node.JS:
** Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/
** Install Express: <code>npm install -g express-generator</code>
* To install Rails, run:
** <code>sudo gem install rails</code>
* For PHP, install MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
====== Windows ======
(I recommend sticking with the aforementioned virtual machine setup, or installing a Linux partition, as it is somewhat difficult to set things up on Windows.)
In all cases where there is a choice, choose 64-bit (x64).
* Install Git for Windows: http://www.git-scm.com/ (all default settings)
* For Node.JS:
** Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/ (all default settings)
** Install Express by opening Git Bash and running:
*** <code>npm install -g express-generator</code>
* For Rails:
** Install the latest Ruby from http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
*** When installing, choose to "add Ruby executables to your PATH".
** Install the Ruby Development Kit by following these instructions: https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit
** Install Rails by opening Git Bash and running:
*** <code>gem install rails</code>
* For PHP:
** Install the Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679
** Install WAMP: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
===== THE HARDEST WAY =====
Install Node.JS, NPM, Express, Apache, PHP, Ruby, and Rails individually. Good luck!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaYHowZdPIk Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class20 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-12-07: Working from professional mockups, cont'd ====
We will continue working off of [http://jeffreyatw.github.io/fwd/series8/class18/mockup.png this mockup], its [http://jeffreyatw.github.io/fwd/series8/class18/mockup_annotations.png annotated version], and its [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class18/assets image assets] and learn a bit about CSS3 and background images in the process.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26nv92dEdLY Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class19 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-11-30: Working from professional mockups ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the CSS box model, floats, positioning, and CSS3, and work off of [http://jeffreyatw.github.io/fwd/series8/class18/mockup.png this mockup] and its [http://jeffreyatw.github.io/fwd/series8/class18/mockup_annotations.png annotated version] to make a site that could pass as a professional design. [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class18/assets Image assets can be found here].
This class will require the use of [https://middlemanapp.com/ Middleman], as we'd like to make this as realistic of a project as possible. As a bonus, we'll learn how to use preprocessors like [http://sass-lang.com/ Sass] to help us with our code.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rubd0LGdEAc Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class18 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-11-23: Modern CSS ====
We'll talk about a number of topics concerning modern CSS development: CSS3, browser support, responsive design (for mobile devices), and flexbox layout.
We'll start on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class17/blog.zip this page] and make it mobile.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv4ucT3F2g0 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class17 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-11-14: CSS floats ====
Floating is the secret sauce behind creating websites with multiple columns, navigation menus, and basically any block element that's aligned to the left or right. We'll learn about floats by taking a look at some examples, then take a [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class4/mockup.png mockup] and create a site from it.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quLUo3HSr3w Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class16 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-11-09: CSS positioning ====
We're going to let JavaScript take a backseat for the rest of the series, and we'll begin to focus on CSS concepts. This time, we'll focus on positioning of elements: using absolute, relative, or fixed positioning to put the elements anywhere we want on the whole page. We'll use [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/mockup.png this mockup] along with [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/assets.zip these assets] to put together a page that demonstrates positioning.
If you were daunted by the complexity of JavaScript programming, this should be a much simpler, straightforward class.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbEFXP47mfg Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class15 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-11-02: React ====
We'll take a look at our [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class14/noisetwitter-react NoiseTwitter app], this time written in [https://facebook.github.io/react/ React]. We'll see how it compares to our jQuery and Angular versions, and how React's uni-directional flow helps us manage the state of our application.
Because of the complexity of this subject, we'll only be skimming the surface with a pre-written app - also, I haven't taught this or used this in my work before, so consider it a light introduction.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBEhI6dZbU4 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class14 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-10-26: directives, routing and AJAX with AngularJS ====
We'll continue learning the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS] by learning how to encapsulate behavior into reusable elements, load data from the back-end, and create a site that acts as if it has multiple pages while still being a single-page app.
We'll be building off the [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class12/noisetwitter work from last week.]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D92wUILFz4I Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class13 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-10-19: intro to AngularJS ====
We'll learn about the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS], a popular client-side MVC application framework. Frameworks such as these make it easier to manage data-rich views by keeping everything in sync with each other, and with data in the back-end. To understand how libraries like AngularJS differ from [http://jquery.com jQuery], we'll be taking our [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class10/noisetwitter NoiseTwitter] app and converting it from one that uses jQuery into one that uses AngularJS instead.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8zKtg2NEKQ Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class12 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-04-06: Forms ====
We'll create a Bootstrap-based landing page with a sign-up form. We'll learn about built-in HTML5 validation, but also use the [http://jqueryvalidation.org/ jQuery Validation plugin] to help us where browser support is necessary.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znw2mYn8TE4 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class11 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-10-05: Ajax ====
We'll talk about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a technology that allows us to talk to a server without leaving the page. jQuery makes this easy. We'll add Ajax functionality to [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class7 the Twitter app]. We'll use this [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/blob/master/series8/class10/noisetwitter/source/tweet.php PHP file] to test it out.
If you don't already have web hosting, please sign up for some at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] for free (or very cheap). Also, install the [https://filezilla-project.org/ FileZilla Client].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3atk7ZfROxs Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class10 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-09-28: HTTP, SFTP, and Git-based web hosting ====
We'll talk about file transfer: HTTP, which is the method of getting and sending information in the web browser; SFTP, which is a method of securely uploading files to a web host; and how to use Git to host a site.
We'll set up free web hosting accounts at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] (which you should sign up for now), and upload to them using [http://filezilla-project.org the FileZilla client] (which you should install now).
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e6CHA5IoqY Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noiseproduct8/tree/gh-pages Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-09-21: starting a new project ====
A text editor and web browser are all that's required to start a project - but how about getting a head start? We'll talk about [https://middlemanapp.com/ Middleman] and [http://getbootstrap.com/ Bootstrap], two tools that greatly help us with the setup of a new site.
To get set up, you'll need to install Ruby.
* On OS X, enter <code>ruby -v</code> into a Terminal window. You'll either be prompted to install, or you'll see a version number, which means it's already installed.
* On Windows, use [http://rubyinstaller.org/ RubyInstaller].
Then, install Middleman:
<code>gem install middleman</code>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9TETW4UNU Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noiseproduct8 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-09-14: jQuery, cont'd ====
We'll continue learning about jQuery by focusing on [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class6 the example we worked on last class]. We'll add functionality to it that will make it seem more like the real thing.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7nsgvq9qRI Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class7 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-08-31: jQuery ====
We'll introduce jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes web programming a whole lot easier. jQuery is the most popular of many libraries that allow us to interact with the document easily, while also providing us with a few tools that are missing from the base language.
To learn what jQuery can do, we'll add some scripting to [https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class6/start this sample web app].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrb3QJS4FlA Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class6 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-08-24: JavaScript, cont'd ====
We'll continue discussing JavaScript basics: arrays, objects, creating functions, and scopes.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s45eTRYWOU Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class5 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-08-17: JavaScript ====
We'll talk about JavaScript: making web pages interactive through client-side code. We'll use the console, which is part of the browser's developer tools, to demonstrate the basics of the language. This and next week's class can be treated as a general introduction to programming.
'''No video for this class. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18dlNI3C87s Here's last series' video.]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class4 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-08-10: version control (Git) and the command line ====
This class is a general overview on version control and the command line. Most developers collaborate with their peers by using version control systems, which allows them to keep track of their work in a reliable fashion and push it to the web.
Again, this class isn't about web development per se - it's just an important introduction to using the command line to work with Git, one of the most popular version control systems. Everyone will create their own fork of a repository and check in their work.
During the half-hour before the class, we'll help people set up Git on their computers. On OS X, type <code>git</code> in a Terminal to get started. On Windows you should install [http://msysgit.github.io/ Git for Windows]. Also, please sign up for a [https://github.com GitHub] account.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAEJV-8AQvY Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/shakespeare8 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-08-03: CSS selectors and the box model ====
CSS selectors are probably the most complex part of the CSS language, so we'll look at them further in-depth. We'll also talk about the box model, the display concept that makes words and containers on the web look like they do.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcKvWkhVezA Lecture video] (audio doesn't work until 33:10)<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class2 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-07-27: the basics ====
<span style="color:green">'''THIS is the class to attend if you are a complete beginner!'''</span> We are starting the curriculum of this class from square one. We'll cover the very basics:
* Explaining "front-end" vs. "back-end"
* Explaining web apps vs. web sites
* Discussing tools of the trade
* Explaining the separation between structure, presentation, and behavior
* Writing a basic HTML page
* Styling the page with basic CSS
* Adding a small amount of JS
* Explaining the role of front-end development as a job and career
No recap session for this class. Please show up before 8pm, as physical space is limited. Bring a laptop!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBid8Pg4SWc Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/fwd/tree/master/series8/class1 Lecture materials]
=== Series 7 ===
==== Class for 2015-06-22: directives, routing and AJAX with AngularJS ====
We'll continue learning the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS] by learning how to encapsulate behavior into reusable elements, load data from the back-end, and create a site that acts as if it has multiple pages while still being a single-page app.
We'll be building off the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class21/lecture.zip work from last week.]
This will be the last class in the series. Thanks for attending, and look forward to a new series in July!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNiwtyf3M14 Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class22/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-06-15: intro to AngularJS ====
We'll learn about the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS], a popular client-side MVC application framework. Frameworks such as these make it easier to manage data-rich views by keeping everything in sync with each other, and with data in the back-end. To understand how libraries like AngularJS differ from [http://jquery.com jQuery], we'll be taking our [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class10/lecture.zip NoiseTwitter] app and converting it from one that uses jQuery into one that uses AngularJS instead.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eNXStw0sGg Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class21/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-06-08: Preprocessors ====
Front-end code can often get very repetitive and hard to maintain. We'll expand upon last week's talk about backend code generation by introducing preprocessors - languages which compile into HTML, CSS, or JS. We've taken a look at PHP and ERB, but we'll also walk through languages that look nothing like HTML (HAML), and languages that compile into CSS (Sass) and JS (CoffeeScript). These languages can make your life much easier as they help keep you from repeating yourself (DRY!). We'll also introduce Middleman, one of many workflow systems that makes using these languages easy.
To prepare for this class, please install [https://rvm.io/ RVM] with the <code>--ruby=2.2</code> flag if you're using OS X or Linux:
<pre>\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby=2.2</pre>
...then close and reopen a terminal window...
<pre>rvm use 2.2</pre>
Or for Windows, use [http://rubyinstaller.org/ RubyInstaller].
You can then install [http://middlemanapp.com/ Middleman]:
<pre>gem install middleman</pre>
We'll be working on the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class12/lecture.zip NoiseCo site].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwQD2bDc1-0 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/jeffreyatw/noiseco Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2014-10-27: back-end web development ====
This class is all about the seedy underbelly of web development: the backend!
I know we already have a [http://www.railsschool.org/ Rails class here at Noisebridge], but this one is tailored toward front-end developers wanting to get a taste of how things come together. We'll talk about PHP, then Express.js, then Rails.
During the recap period, we will set up your computers. But it's best to do this before arriving if possible. Here are the steps used for class preparation:
===== THE EASIEST WAY =====
Come to the class in person and get the USB stick from Jeffrey. Then follow the below "easy" steps without downloading anything.
===== THE EASY WAY =====
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine.
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class19/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (1.88GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "'''front-end'''". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
===== THE HARDER WAY =====
If you don't want to use a virtual machine.
On Linux, you'll need to follow these steps:
* Run:
** <code>sudo apt-get install nodejs</code>
** <code>sudo apt-get install npm</code>
* <code>wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
** When installing, choose RVM.
* For PHP, follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP
On OS X 10.9+:
* Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/
* To install Rails, run:
** <code>curl -O https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
*** When installing, choose RVM.
* For PHP, install MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
On Windows or OS X 10.8 and below:
* http://nodejs.org/ - install Node.JS
* Use RailsInstaller: http://railsinstaller.org/
* And for PHP:
** Mac: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
** Windows: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
===== THE HARDEST WAY =====
Install Node.JS, NPM, Apache, PHP, RVM, Ruby, and Rails individually. Good luck!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyCpSpLrSRI Lecture video]
==== Class for 2015-05-18: version control (Git) and the command line ====
This class is a general overview on version control and the command line. I've taught how to use an FTP client to upload files to the web, but the truth is that most developers don't do that anymore - rather, they collaborate with their peers by using version control systems, which allows them to keep track of their work in a reliable fashion and push it to the web.
Again, this class isn't about web development per se - it's just an important introduction to using the command line to work with Git, one of the most popular version control systems. Everyone will create their own fork of a repository and check in their work.
During the half-hour before the class, we'll help people set up Git on their computers. On OS X, you'll need to download Xcode from the App Store, and on Windows you should install [http://msysgit.github.io/ Git for Windows]. Also, please sign up for a [https://github.com GitHub] account.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xy8U4B7834 Lecture video]<br>
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/shakespeare7 Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-05-11: the mobile web ====
We'll take [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class17/blog.zip this blog] and turn it into a mobile-accessible website via the use of media queries. We'll also talk about the rest of the world of the mobile web: user agent strings (and why you shouldn't trust them), mobile frameworks (and why they're not perfect), and the use of HTML5/CSS3 in mobile website and app development.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cGwDv1MSPU Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class17/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2014-10-06: CSS3 ====
We've covered CSS3 before, but in the context of a mockup. We'll look further into CSS3 with a demonstration of what the new technologies are, how to make the most of them, and how to make sites using CSS3 look good in less capable browsers.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2hGbVqTpXo Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class16/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-04-27: HTML5 elements ====
We'll take an entertaining (in my opinion) look through [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class15/html.zip this page containing every currently valid HTML element]. Many of them are considered "HTML5" elements, but that's just because they're relatively new.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs7fXiMmxbo Lecture video]
==== Class for 2015-04-20: Ajax ====
We'll talk about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a technology that allows us to talk to a server without leaving the page. jQuery makes this easy. We'll add Ajax functionality to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class10/lecture.zip the Twitter app] and, time permitting, the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class12/lecture.zip corporate site]. We'll use these [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class14/php.zip PHP files] to test them out.
If you don't already have web hosting, please sign up for some at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] for free (or very cheap). Also, install the [https://filezilla-project.org/ FileZilla Client].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uKphYn9eQI Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class14/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-04-13: HTTP & SFTP ====
We'll talk about file transfer: HTTP, which is the method of getting and sending information in the web browser, and SFTP, which is a method of securely uploading files to a web host.
We'll set up free web hosting accounts at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] (which you should sign up for now), and upload to them using [http://filezilla-project.org the FileZilla client] (which you should install now).
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekgRrffUuLo Lecture video]
==== Class for 2015-04-06: Forms ====
We'll continue working on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class11/lecture.zip our site] and add a sign-up form, with validation, inside the modal. We'll learn about built-in HTML5 validation, but also use the [http://jqueryvalidation.org/ jQuery Validation plugin] to help us where browser support is necessary.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg7wmtJlK2M Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class12/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-03-30: Bootstrap ====
We'll go back to the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class6/lecture.zip "professional" site we put together a number of weeks ago] and add more functionality to it with some jQuery plugins. We'll first make a dialog box - or a "modal" - pop up when you click the sign up buttons. We'll do this by introducing [http://getbootstrap.com/ Bootstrap] to make common user controls easier to create. We'll also compare our CSS-only menu with one made with the help of Bootstrap, explaining the differences between the two.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImtSy7Atv4g Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class11/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-03-23: jQuery, cont'd ====
We'll continue learning about jQuery by focusing on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class9/lecture.zip the example we worked on last class]. We'll add functionality to it that will make it seem more like the real thing.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdwAizbinKw Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class10/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-03-16: jQuery ====
We'll introduce jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes web programming a whole lot easier. jQuery is the most popular of many libraries that allow us to interact with the document easily, while also providing us with a few tools that are missing from the base language.
To learn what jQuery can do, we'll add some scripting to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class9/assets.zip this sample web app].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm7zsESGeE0 Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class9/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-03-09: JavaScript, cont'd ====
We'll continue discussing JavaScript basics: arrays, objects, creating functions, and scopes.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hYHCzIryyc Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class8/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-03-02: JavaScript ====
We'll talk about JavaScript: making web pages interactive through client-side code. We'll use the console, which is part of the browser's developer tools, to demonstrate the basics of the language. This and next week's class can be treated as a general introduction to programming.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18dlNI3C87s Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class7/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-02-23: Working from professional mockups, cont'd ====
We will continue working off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup], its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version], and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip image assets] and learn a bit about CSS3 in the process.
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class5/lecture.zip Here's where we left off last time.]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPljsmaygZc Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class6/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-02-09: Working from professional mockups ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the CSS box model, floats, and positioning, and work off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup] and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version] to make a site that could pass as a professional design (but don't take my word for it). [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip Image assets can be found here].
'''No video for this class. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OralfEawmM4 Here's last series's video.]'''<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class5/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-02-02: CSS positioning ====
In the last few classes, we've focused on element measurements and floats. This time, we'll focus on positioning of elements: using absolute, relative, or fixed positioning to put the elements anywhere we want on the whole page. We'll use [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/mockup.png this mockup] along with [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/assets.zip these assets] to put together a page that demonstrates positioning.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6pJlM6Hsjo Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class4/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-01-26: CSS floats ====
Floating is the secret sauce behind creating websites with multiple columns, navigation menus, and basically any block element that's aligned to the left or right. We'll learn about floats by taking a look at some examples, then take a [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class4/mockup.png mockup] and create a site from it.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpI-3yvswgY Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class3/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-01-12: CSS selectors and the box model ====
CSS selectors are probably the most complex part of the CSS language, so we'll look at them further in-depth. We'll also talk about the box model, the display concept that makes words and containers on the web look like they do.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzDENIp705U Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class2/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2015-01-05: the basics ====
<span style="color:green">'''THIS is the class to attend if you are a complete beginner!'''</span> We are starting the curriculum of this class from square one. We'll cover the very basics:
* Explaining "front-end" vs. "back-end"
* Discussing tools of the trade
* Explaining the separation between structure, presentation, and behavior
* Writing a basic HTML page
* Styling the page with basic CSS
* Explaining the role of front-end web development as a job and career
No recap session for this class. Please show up before 8pm, as physical space is limited. Bring a laptop!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eydq4iapY98 Lecture video]<br>
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series7/class1/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
=== Series 6 ===
==== Class for 2014-11-10: routing and AJAX with AngularJS ====
We'll continue learning the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS] by learning how to load data from the back-end, as well as create a site that acts as if it has multiple pages while still being a single-page app.
[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noisetwitter We'll be building off the work from last week. It's provided as a git repository that you should clone prior to the start of the class. Please read the instructions on how to download and install it.]
This will be the last class in the series. Thanks for attending, and look forward to a new series in January!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mDKZEbCSa0 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/noisetwitter/tree/series6 Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-11-10: intro to AngularJS ====
We'll learn about the basics of [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS], a popular client-side MVC application framework. Frameworks such as these make it easier to manage data-rich views by keeping everything in sync with each other, and with data in the back-end. To understand how libraries like AngularJS differ from [http://jquery.com jQuery], we'll be taking our [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class10/lecture.zip NoiseTwitter] app and converting it from one that uses jQuery into one that uses AngularJS instead.
I'm not a AngularJS pro myself, so I'm sticking to introductory concepts.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V34lr3GQ8dI Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class21/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-11-03: Preprocessors ====
Front-end code can often get very repetitive and hard to maintain. We'll expand upon last week's talk about backend code generation by introducing preprocessors - languages which compile into HTML, CSS, or JS. We've taken a look at PHP and ERB, but we'll also walk through languages that look nothing like HTML (HAML), and languages that compile into CSS (Less, Sass + Compass) and JS (CoffeeScript). These languages can make your life much easier as they help keep you from repeating yourself (DRY!). We'll also introduce Middleman, one of many workflow systems that makes using these languages easy.
To prepare for this class, consider installing [https://rvm.io/ RVM] with the --ruby=2.1 flag if you're using OS X or Linux, or Ruby via [http://rubyinstaller.org/ RubyInstaller] for Windows. You can then install [http://middlemanapp.com/ Middleman].
We'll be working on the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class6/goal.zip NoiseCo site].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiKx_VczJRc Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class20/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-10-27: back-end web development ====
This class is all about the seedy underbelly of web development: the backend!
I know we already have a [http://www.railsschool.org/ Rails class here at Noisebridge], but this one is tailored toward front-end developers wanting to get a taste of how things come together. We'll talk about PHP, then Express.js, then Rails.
During the recap period, we will set up your computers. But it's best to do this before arriving if possible. Here are the steps used for class preparation:
===== THE EASY WAY =====
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine.
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class19/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (1.88GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "'''front-end'''". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
===== THE HARDER WAY =====
If you don't want to use a virtual machine.
On Linux, you'll need to follow these steps:
* Run:
** <code>sudo apt-get install nodejs</code>
** <code>sudo apt-get install npm</code>
* <code>wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
** When installing, choose RVM.
* For PHP, follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP
On OS X 10.9:
* Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/
* To install Rails, run:
** <code>curl -O https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
*** When installing, choose RVM.
* For PHP, install MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
On Windows or OS X 10.8 and below:
* http://nodejs.org/ - install Node.JS
* Use RailsInstaller: http://railsinstaller.org/
* And for PHP:
** Mac: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
** Windows: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
===== THE HARDEST WAY =====
Install Node.JS, NPM, Apache, PHP, RVM, Ruby, and Rails individually. Good luck!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYMvYYOhuYU Lecture video]'''
==== Class for 2014-10-20: version control (Git) and the command line ====
This class is a general overview on version control and the command line. I've taught how to use an FTP client to upload files to the web, but the truth is that most developers don't do that anymore - rather, they collaborate with their peers by using version control systems, which allows them to keep track of their work in a reliable fashion and push it to the web.
Again, this class isn't about web development per se - it's just an important introduction to using the command line to work with Git, one of the most popular version control systems. Everyone will create their own fork of a repository and check in their work.
During the half-hour before the class, we'll help people set up Git on their computers. On OS X, you'll need to download Xcode, and on Windows you should install [http://msysgit.github.io/ Git for Windows]. Also, please sign up for a [https://github.com GitHub] account.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyWphrfChDw Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[https://github.com/JeffreyATW/shakespeare6 Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-10-13: the mobile web ====
We'll take [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class17/blog.zip this blog] and turn it into a mobile-accessible website via the use of media queries. We'll also talk about the rest of the world of the mobile web: user agent strings (and why you shouldn't trust them), frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch (and why they're not perfect), and the use of HTML5/CSS3 in mobile website and app development.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HymzE92NzA Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class17/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-10-06: CSS3 ====
We've covered CSS3 before, but in the context of a mockup. We'll look further into CSS3 with a demonstration of what the new technologies are, how to make the most of them, and how to make sites using CSS3 look good in less capable browsers.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1crt0OStAyM Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class16/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-09-29: HTML5 elements ====
We'll take an entertaining (in my opinion) look through [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class15/html.zip this page containing every currently valid HTML element]. Many of them are considered "HTML5" elements, but that's just because they're relatively new.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJbdthUWrcA Lecture video]'''
==== Class for 2014-09-22: AJAX ====
We'll talk about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a technology that allows us to talk to a server without leaving the page. jQuery makes this easy. We'll add AJAX functionality to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class10/lecture.zip the Twitter app] and, time permitting, the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class12/lecture.zip corporate site]. We'll use these [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class14/php.zip PHP files] to test them out.
If you don't already have web hosting, please sign up for some at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] for free (or very cheap). Also, install the [https://filezilla-project.org/ FileZilla Client].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrRNJlul1S8 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class14/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-09-15: HTTP & SFTP ====
We'll talk about file transfer: HTTP, which is the method of getting and sending information in the web browser, and SFTP, which is a method of securely uploading files to a web host.
We'll set up free web hosting accounts at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] (which you should sign up for now), and upload to them using [http://filezilla-project.org the FileZilla client] (which you should install now).
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HjGlX2EjBQ Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class13/lecture.txt Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-09-08: Sign-up forms ====
We'll continue working on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class11/lecture.zip our site] and add a sign-up form, with validation, inside the modal. We'll learn about built-in HTML5 validation, but also use the [http://jqueryvalidation.org/ jQuery Validation plugin] to help us where browser support is necessary.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDFFkzuyE0I Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class12/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-08-25: jQuery UI ====
We'll go back to the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class6/goal.zip "professional" site we put together a number of weeks ago] and add more functionality to it with some jQuery plugins. We'll first make a dialog box - or a "modal" - pop up when you click the sign up buttons. We'll do this by introducing [http://jqueryui.com/ jQuery UI] to make common user controls easier to create. We'll also compare our CSS-only menu with one made with the help of jQuery, explaining the differences between the two.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MqLasBOc1c Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class11/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-08-18: jQuery, cont'd ====
We'll continue learning about jQuery by focusing on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class9/lecture.zip the example we saw last class]. We'll add functionality to it that made it seem more like the real thing.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83Ghv-noXcs Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class10/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-08-11: jQuery ====
We'll introduce jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes web programming a whole lot easier. jQuery is the most popular of many libraries that allow us to interact with the document easily, while also providing us with a few tools that are missing from the base language.
To learn what jQuery can do, we'll add some scripting to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class9/assets.zip this sample web app].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr0qp84_Bws Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class9/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-08-04: JavaScript, cont'd ====
We'll continue discussing JavaScript basics: arrays, objects, creating functions, and scopes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SqEbVsyyNo Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class8/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-07-28: JavaScript ====
We'll talk about JavaScript: making web pages interactive through client-side code. We'll use the console, which is part of the browser's developer tools, to demonstrate the basics of the language. This and next week's class can be treated as a general introduction to programming.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrZ3UZFS9mU Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class7/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-07-21: Working from professional mockups, cont'd ====
We will continue working off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup], its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version], and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip image assets] and learn a bit about CSS3 in the process.
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class5/lecture.zip Here's where we left off last time.]
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae27EDbKbxI Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class6/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class6/goal Finished site]'''
==== Class for 2014-07-14: Working from professional mockups ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the CSS box model, floats, and positioning, and work off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup] and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version] to make a site that could pass as a professional design (but don't take my word for it). [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip Image assets can be found here].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OralfEawmM4 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class5/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-06-23: CSS positioning ====
In the last few classes, we've focused on element measurements and floats. This time, we'll focus on positioning of elements: using absolute, relative, or fixed positioning to put the elements anywhere we want on the whole page. We'll use [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/mockup.png this mockup] along with [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/assets.zip these assets] to put together a page that demonstrates positioning.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECZ8osAuC90 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class4/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-06-16: CSS floats ====
Floating is the secret sauce behind creating websites with multiple columns, navigation menus, and basically any block element that's aligned to the left or right. We'll learn about floats by taking a look at some examples, then take a [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class4/mockup.png mockup] and create a site from it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USdZ8mlWyKY Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class3/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class3/answersheet.zip Mockup source code]'''
==== Class for 2014-06-09: CSS selectors and the box model ====
CSS selectors are probably the most complex part of the CSS language, so we'll look at them further in-depth. We'll also talk about the box model, the display concept that makes words and containers on the web look like they do.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5XfKMIzA7U Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class2/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
==== Class for 2014-06-02: the basics ====
<span style="color:green">'''THIS is the class to attend if you are a complete beginner!'''</span> We are starting the curriculum of this class from square one. We'll cover the very basics:
* Explaining "front-end" vs. "back-end"
* Discussing tools of the trade
* Explaining the separation between structure, presentation, and behavior
* Writing a basic HTML page
* Styling the page with basic CSS
* Explaining the role of front-end web development as a job and career
No recap session for this class. Please show up before 8pm, as physical space is limited. Bring a laptop!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r82vt7pZcnc Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series6/class1/lecture.zip Lecture materials]
=== Series 5 ===
==== Class for 2014-05-05: Backbone.js ====
We'll learn about the basics of [http://backbonejs.org/ Backbone.js], one of the simplest Model-Collection-View libraries available for the front-end. Libraries such as these make it easier to manage data-rich views by keeping everything in sync with each other, and with data in the back-end.
To prepare for this class:
* Install [https://rvm.io/ RVM] if you're using OS X or Linux, or the latest version of Ruby via [http://rubyinstaller.org/ RubyInstaller] for Windows
* Using the latest version of Ruby, install Middleman: <code>gem install middleman</code>
* Download [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class21/characters.zip this JSON file].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pguezB-guU4 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class21/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-04-28: Preprocessors ====
Front-end code can often get very repetitive and hard to maintain. We'll expand upon last week's talk about backend code generation by introducing preprocessors - languages which compile into HTML, CSS, or JS. We've taken a look at PHP and ERB, but we'll also walk through languages that look nothing like HTML (HAML), and languages that compile into CSS (Less, Sass + Compass) and JS (CoffeeScript). These languages can make your life much easier as they help keep you from repeating yourself (DRY!). We'll also introduce Middleman, one of many workflow systems that makes using these languages easy.
To prepare for this class, consider installing [https://rvm.io/ RVM] with the --ruby=2.0 flag if you're using OS X or Linux, or Ruby via [http://rubyinstaller.org/ RubyInstaller] for Windows. You can then install [http://middlemanapp.com/ Middleman].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKoUPy7mxNc Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class20/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-04-21: back-end web development ====
This class is all about the seedy underbelly of web development: the backend!
I know we already have a [[Backend_web_dev_in_Ruby_on_Rails|Rails class here at Noisebridge]], but this one is tailored toward front-end developers wanting to get a taste of how things come together. We'll talk about PHP, then Express.js, then Rails.
During the recap period, we will set up your computers. But it's best to do this before arriving if possible. Here are the steps used for class preparation:
===== THE EASY WAY =====
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine.
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class19/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (1.88GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "front-end". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
===== THE HARDER WAY =====
If you don't want to use a virtual machine.
On Linux, you'll need to follow these steps:
* Run:
** <code>sudo apt-get install nodejs</code>
** <code>sudo apt-get install npm</code>
* <code>wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
** When installing, choose RVM.
* https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP
On OS X 10.9:
* Install Node.JS: http://nodejs.org/
* To install Rails, run:
** <code>curl -O https://raw.github.com/joshfng/railsready/master/railsready.sh && bash railsready.sh</code>
*** When installing, choose RVM.
* For PHP, install MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
On Windows or OS X 10.8 and below:
* http://nodejs.org/ - install Node.JS
* Use RailsInstaller: http://railsinstaller.org/
* And for PHP:
** Mac: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
** Windows: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
===== THE HARDEST WAY =====
Install Node.JS, NPM, Apache, PHP, RVM, Ruby, and Rails individually. Good luck!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMz7lvi9aWI Lecture video]'''<br>
==== Class for 2014-04-14: version control (Git) and the command line ====
This class is a general overview on version control and the command line. I've taught how to use an FTP client to upload files to the web, but the truth is that most developers don't do that anymore - rather, they collaborate with their peers by using version control systems, which allows them to keep track of their work in a reliable fashion and push it to the web.
Again, this class isn't about web development per se - it's just an important introduction to using the command line to work with Git, one of the most popular version control systems. Everyone will create their own fork of a repository and check in their work.
There is no recap period for this class.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gyokfBklfI Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class18/shell-cheatsheet.txt Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-04-07: The mobile web ====
We'll take [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series3/class17/blog.zip this blog] and turn it into a mobile-accessible website via the use of media queries. We'll also talk about the rest of the world of the mobile web: user agent strings (and why you shouldn't trust them), frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch (and why they're not perfect), and the future of HTML5/CSS3 in mobile website and app development.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-jU1ALAayA Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class17/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-03-31: CSS3 ====
We've covered CSS3 before, but in the context of a mockup. We'll look further into CSS3 with a demonstration of what the new technologies are, how to make the most of them, and how to make sites using CSS3 look good in less capable browsers.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZx1h-9YYXA Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class16/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-03-24: HTML5 elements ====
We'll take an entertaining (in my opinion) look through [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class15/html.zip this page containing every currently valid HTML element]. Many of them are considered "HTML5" elements, but that's just because they're relatively new.
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtkKkZEAbQ Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class15/html.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-03-17: Sign-up forms ====
We'll continue working on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class13/lecture.zip our site] and add a sign-up form, with validation, inside the modal. We'll learn about built-in HTML5 validation, but also use the [http://jqueryvalidation.org/ jQuery Validation plugin] to help us where browser support is necessary.
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSHmOcayp24 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class14/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-03-10: Modals and menus ====
We'll go back to the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class6/noiseco.zip "professional" site we put together a number of weeks ago] and add more functionality to it with some jQuery plugins. We'll first make a dialog box - or a "modal" - pop up when you click the sign up buttons. We'll do this by introducing [http://jqueryui.com/ jQuery UI] to make common user controls easier to create. We'll also compare our CSS-only menu with one made with the help of jQuery, explaining the differences between the two.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqqCLlciWtc Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class13/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-03-03: AJAX ====
We'll talk about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a technology that allows us to talk to a server without leaving the page. jQuery makes this extremely easy. We'll add AJAX functionality to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class11/lecture.zip our app we've been building on]. We'll use this [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class12/tweet.php.zip PHP file] to test it out.
If you don't already have web hosting, please sign up for some at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ NearlyFreeSpeech.NET] for free (or very cheap). Also, install the [https://filezilla-project.org/ FileZilla Client].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmwfupfKztk Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class12/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-02-24: jQuery, cont'd ====
We'll continue learning about jQuery by focusing on [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class10/lecture.zip the example we saw last class]. We'll add functionality to it that made it seem more like the real thing.
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eikIkAlVNlM Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class11/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-02-10: jQuery ====
We'll introduce jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes web programming a whole lot easier. jQuery is the most popular of many libraries that allow us to interact with the document easily, while also providing us with a few tools that are missing from the base language.
To learn what jQuery can do, we'll add some scripting to [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class10/assets.zip this sample web app].
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvNAepROnes Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class10/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-02-03: JavaScript, cont'd ====
We'll continue discussing JavaScript basics: arrays, objects, creating functions, and scopes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHcmLkhMkhA Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class9/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-01-27: JavaScript ====
We'll talk about JavaScript: making web pages interactive through client-side code. We'll use the console, which is part of the browser's developer tools, to demonstrate the basics of the language. This and next week's class can be treated as a general introduction to programming.
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNqTmmhEj8k Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class8/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-01-20: HTTP & SFTP ====
We'll talk about file transfer: HTTP, which is the method of getting and sending information in the web browser, and SFTP, which is a method of securely uploading files to a web host.
We'll set up free web hosting accounts at [https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net NearlyFreeSpeech.NET], and upload to them using [http://filezilla-project.org the FileZilla client].
'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8rpnf_BHxE Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class7/lecture.txt Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-01-13: Working from professional mockups, cont'd ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the CSS box model, floats, and positioning, and work off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup] and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version] to make a site that could pass as a professional design (but don't take my word for it). [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip Image assets can be found here].
We didn't exactly finish, but I went ahead and put on the finishing touches. [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class6/noiseco The final product can be found here] (but where we left off can be found in the [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class6/lecture.zip lecture materials]).
'''No video for this class. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMeTFrR1rtA Try last series's video.]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class6/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2014-01-06: Working from professional mockups ====
We'll take the knowledge we gained from looking at the CSS box model, floats, and positioning, and work off of [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup.png this mockup] and its [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/mockup_annotations.png annotated version] to make a site that could pass as a professional design (but don't take my word for it). [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class5/assets.zip Image assets can be found here].
'''No video for this class. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y6MxRAPfLs Try last series's video.]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class5/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2013-12-09: CSS positioning ====
In the last few classes, we've focused on element measurements and floats. This time, we'll focus on positioning of elements: spacing them out from other elements using margins, and using absolute, relative, or fixed positioning to put the elements anywhere we want on the whole page.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q453KMiCC2s Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class4/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2013-12-02: CSS floats ====
Floating is the secret sauce behind creating websites with multiple columns, navigation menus, and basically any block element that's aligned to the left or right. We'll learn about floats by taking a look at some examples, then take a [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series2/class4/mockup.png mockup] and create a site from it.
[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class3/answersheet.zip The site's final code (not finished in class) is here.]
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw_U7YZzbW0 Lecture video]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class3/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2013-11-18: CSS selectors and the box model ====
CSS selectors are probably the most complex part of the CSS language, so we'll look at them further in-depth. We'll also talk about the box model, the display concept that makes words and containers on the web look like they do.
'''No video for this class. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqQph1vry7A Try last series's video.]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class2/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
==== Class for 2013-11-11: the basics ====
<span style="color:green">'''THIS is the class to attend if you are a complete beginner!'''</span> We are starting the curriculum of this class from square one. We'll cover the very basics:
* Explaining "front-end" vs. "back-end"
* Discussing tools of the trade
* Explaining the separation between structure, presentation, and behavior
* Writing a basic HTML page
* Styling the page with basic CSS
* Explaining the role of front-end web development as a job and career
No recap session for this class. Please show up '''promptly''' at or before 8pm, as physical space is limited. Bring a laptop!
P.S. This might be the last series I teach for a while. I might take a longer break after the end of the series (in about 6 months). We'll see. But if you've been meaning to attend, this is your chance!
'''No video for this class. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmDCjhCuNtU Try last series's video.]'''<br>
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series5/class1/lecture.zip Lecture materials]'''
=== Series 4 ===
=== Series 4 ===
==== Class for 2013-10-28: Backbone.js ====
==== Class for 2013-10-28: Backbone.js ====
Line 1,092: Line 38:
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine:
If you would like to follow along, the easiest option is to run a virtual machine:
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* Install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox AND the Extension Pack]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class21/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (1.88GB)]
* [http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class21/Ubuntu.ova Download this preconfigured Ubuntu virtual machine (1.84GB)]
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Double-click the .ova file. You should check the "reinitialize the MAC address" step.
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* Start the machine after installation and you're all set!
* System username and password are both "front-end". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.
* System username and password are both "frontend". Feel free to change them if that's uncomfortable.

===== THE HARDER WAY: =====
===== THE HARDER WAY: =====
Line 1,156: Line 102:
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class16/html.zip Lecture materials]'''
'''[http://jeffreyatw.com/static/frontend/series4/class16/html.zip Lecture materials]'''

<!--==== Class for 2013-08-26: ClassName Swap, Language Review, RTFM, by Garrett Smith ====
==== Class for 2013-08-26: ClassName Swap, Language Review, RTFM, by Garrett Smith ====

===== Lesson: CSS ClassName Swap =====
===== Lesson: CSS ClassName Swap =====
Line 1,194: Line 140:
====== FAQ ======
====== FAQ ======
[http://jibbering.com/faq/ FAQ], also hosted on [http://www.fortybelow.ca/hosted/comp-lang-javascript/faq/ Matt's site].
[http://jibbering.com/faq/ FAQ], also hosted on [http://www.fortybelow.ca/hosted/comp-lang-javascript/faq/ Matt's site].
==== Class for 2013-08-12: More useful jQuery plugins ====
==== Class for 2013-08-12: More useful jQuery plugins ====
Our final jQuery-focused class touched on a number of other common plugins that are found in the wild. We took a closer look at Bootstrap and jQuery UI, and looked at plugins that make your page look super snazzy:
Our final jQuery-focused class touched on a number of other common plugins that are found in the wild. We took a closer look at Bootstrap and jQuery UI, and looked at plugins that make your page look super snazzy:
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